But first , let me take a selfie
Hej på er emelie här! Igår körde vi bröst och rygg, kändes tungt för oss båda av någon anledning, men
ibland får man bara bita ihop och ge 100 % så gott man kan. Riktigt kul att köra hårt och tungt, och tyngre ska det bli! Snart är det byte av program och då går vi in på styrka igen, men innan det ska vi köra lite 1RM tester (max test)Lugn skolvecka den här veckan, har bara varit en hel del tränande av klienter, ( och oss själva såklart )
och att gå på lektioner. Idag hade vi bara morgonlektionen med klienter och sen slutade vi ( men ändå kom vi hem klockan 4 på eftermiddagen, i och för sig för att vi tog tag i ett arbete som skulle göras och skickas in, så nu är det ur vägen). Anledningen var tyvärr att lärarna skulle på begravning för någon som gått bort alldeles för tidigt, tråkigt när sådant händer.
Imorgon är det Anzac day så då är vi lediga, men det innebär också att gymmet är stängt så det suger ju ganska rejält. Men men, för min del blir det vilodag imorgon, skönt.
Ikväll händer det inget särskilt förutom att Malin ska spela match. jag ska gå och lägga mig tidigt för jag gick upp kl 4.30 imorse för att ha en klient kl.6, 7 och sen en tredje klockan 9.30. Skönt att gå upp tidigt men då blir det tidig kväll också tråkigt nog, men vila bör man!
Wzup emelie here. Yesterday we did chest and back, felt really heavy for both of us for some reason, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and give 100% as good as you can. Love lifting hard and heavy, and heavier it shall be! It's time to change program soon and then we're moving onto strength again, but before that we're planning on doing some 1RM tests.
Had a pretty calm week at tafe, mostly been training clients ( and ourselves of course) and going to class. Today we only had the morning class with clients and then we were finished ( yet we got home at 4 in the arvo, though it was because of us finishing an assignment that was due, so atleast that's finished) The reason for the short day unfortunately was because of a funeral of someone who've past away way to early that some of the teachers were attending. Really sad when those things occurr.
Tomorrow is anzac day, so we got the day off, and that means that the gym is closed to, which sucks. But for me it's restday, so that's all good.
Tonight there's no special plans. Malin's got a soccergame to play and I'm going to bed early since I got up at 4.30 am because I had a client at 6, 7 and a third one at 9.30. Nice to get up early but at the same time that means an early night, oh well, sleep is good!
Pictures from yesterday
Här kommer bilder från gårdagen:

Had a pretty calm week at tafe, mostly been training clients ( and ourselves of course) and going to class. Today we only had the morning class with clients and then we were finished ( yet we got home at 4 in the arvo, though it was because of us finishing an assignment that was due, so atleast that's finished) The reason for the short day unfortunately was because of a funeral of someone who've past away way to early that some of the teachers were attending. Really sad when those things occurr.
Tomorrow is anzac day, so we got the day off, and that means that the gym is closed to, which sucks. But for me it's restday, so that's all good.
Tonight there's no special plans. Malin's got a soccergame to play and I'm going to bed early since I got up at 4.30 am because I had a client at 6, 7 and a third one at 9.30. Nice to get up early but at the same time that means an early night, oh well, sleep is good!
Pictures from yesterday
Här kommer bilder från gårdagen:

Malin Chins

Heavy session.

BAM , muscles, muscles everywhere.

Emelie chins

Not really sure what emelie is doing here.

Tyson loves the camera


I'm going to spot you, but first let me take a selfie
Grymt! :)